Acharya Patashala Polytechnic

Institution Code : 203


In today’s modern and scientific world with technology developing at a faster rate there has been a heavy competition. The role of curricular activates play a significant role in education.

Academic year for 2017-18 commenced in the month of July committee was formed during the month of August 2011. Mr .Shivashankar HOD of automobile department as sports secretary, HOS’s and class representatives of all the departments as members.

With the able support and kind cooperation of APS educational trust, Beloved principal, teaching and non-teaching faculty members, Athletic meet was organized on 02/02/2018. All students are participated with enthusiastic in all events. Separate events for boys and girls were conducted.

Activities Conducted

Winners were selected in all those events; They will be honored with certificates and mementos during Annual day celebrations. Inter department cricket and volley ball tournament will be organized in the month Feb. – 2018. A group of selectors will participate in state level inter polytechnic sports meet held at respective polytechnic on march 2018.


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